ESG Systems


The occurrence of legal violations within ESG can lead to considerable risks for ESG and the affected employees. Integrity and compliance with the law therefore have the highest priority within ESG. In order to guarantee these values, ESG has created clear and transparent processes that ensure that violations of the law are identified, clarified and immediately remedied internally.

Compliance risk analysis

The Compliance Organization carries out periodic group-wide compliance risk analysis. The risk analysis takes into account information such as the number and size of individual Group companies, the business model, the customer and sales structure, country risk, and the structure of competition in the local market. In addition, the implementation of compliance measures and controls in the reviewed companies are audited internally.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

To identify, prevent, and mitigate compliance risks during acquisition and divestment transactions, the Compliance Organization is engaged in ESG M&A projects. The Compliance Organization undertakes compliance due diligence assessments on concerned entities, which are intended to detect any compliance risks that may arise.

Whistleblower system

ESG offers a secure whistleblower system for providing information on potential compliance violations, which is accessible to all, employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners. This allows anonymous, safe, and confidential sharing of such information at any time and from anywhere in the world. Tip-offs are forwarded to an independent unit for investigation. All whistleblowers who acted in good faith are protected against discrimination and retaliation. You can find more information about the whistleblowing system here.

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